FYMT - 9
Début novembre a eu lieu la neuvième édition du FYMT ! Pour l'occasion
l'événement se déroulait à Nottingham une nouvelle fois. Pas de grand thème
The making of 'Drama in the Dungeon'!
I finished up my largest framed diorama to date a while back and I thought
it would be fun to show how the whole thing was built.
First here's the fin...
MCP: Daredevil (Matt Murdock) (2)
As I mentioned in my last post about 'Ancient One', I have been undecided
on which Affiliation to play next, but have been leaning towards trying out
Gaunt's Ghosts
The new set of Gaunt's Ghosts models that has just been released is
probably one of the best sculpts for Imperial Guards to date. Not only are
the poses ...
Review: Oathmark Goblin Wolf Riders
The Goblin Wolf Riders are the first Oathmark models I have bought and I
purchased them specifically to add hobgoblin light cavalry to my Chaos
Dwarf a...
Painted Models in January - Gallery
A quick snap of all the models I got painted this month!
Total Models: 46
- Bonereaper Soulreaper
- 5 Death rider Kavalos
- Mortek Crawler
The Gloomspite Gitz Invasion - Moonclan Grot #3
The next grot has joined the invasion. This little fellow is from the
boxset and was a bit of an experiment in changing up a couple colors from
the other ...
The Navy's very own game!
Aeronautica Imperialis is a new Games Workshop game set in the Warhammer
40,000 universe, with models in a scale all of its own. This new game is
all about...
DreadTober 2019 Week 4 - To Done!
Got all the little final detailing done on the Contemptor Achillus over the
weekend, just in time to hit the finish line for DreadTober! Without
further ad...
688 - Painting Chart Updates (Part 1 - WWII)
Hullo All,
Well, I'm back at work (which sucks) but I'm also partway through a pretty
productive summer!
I thought I'd mark this by updating where I am wi...
Monster Rider (4)
Hi all,
finally an update!
I was blocked by some health issues and then catching back up with
real-life work.
But now I finally have some time at hand.
Bilan janvier 2019
Bonjour à tous
Les fêtes sont finies; mes vacances approchent et la reprise de la peinture
et du jeu se refait petit à petit
On repart sur quelques salama...
Blood Axe Orks using Kromlech figures
Kromlech easily has some of the best alternative orks on the market. I've
been steadily building up my collection of them to form a Blood Axe army.
Gencon 2018 Photo Dump: Venue & Exhibits
*by SandWyrm*
I spent much of my time at Gencon this year testing my own game, but I did
get some nice pictures of the costumes, products, and other cool ...
I am writing a BOOK!
That's right, fellow blog fans! I've decided to write a book about painting
wargaming collections. It will be going to Kickstarter this *Friday, March
Infinity - Aleph HVT and Thorakite with Combi Rifle
A few more Infinity models for you this week! I've been working hard on
some of my Aleph models needed for a tournament at Firestorm Games in
Cardiff this ...
Workbench 16.10.M3
Now that the blog's machine spirits have been placated, images have
returned. Thank you to everyone that let me know they weren't working.
The strangeness ...
It's been a while...
So I have to once again apologize for a long absence from the blog.
Honestly I had invested some time and money into WarmaHordes but I wasn't
really int...
Ogre Kingdoms - testing a new scheme
Hi folks,
I have been out of the Warhammer and 40k world for a few years now but last
week I found out they had completely changed the fantasy game to the ...
Obat Jerawat Tradisional Paling Ampuh
Jerawat menciptakan wajah mulus Kamu jadi suram bila muncul demikian saja
di wajah Kamu. Noda wajah ini memang lah amat sangat menyebalkan,
lebih-lebih lag...
Retribution - The Battlegroup
The next bettlegroup to tackle is the Retribution, or commonly known as
the angry-elf-faction. For inspiration I took a look through the art, and
the b...
Dumb Name, Great Game
My interest in standard board games is strictly hit-or-miss. And, as a
general rule; movies, games, or books of the classic horror genre which
don't hav...
A new deployment
New Deployment:
By 749.M41 the 291st Death Korps of Krieg had received the bulk of its
draft of replacements from Krieg. The replacements had been integr...
Warriors of Chaos Khorne Lord - End Times (Part 4)
[image: Warhammer - The End Times Khorne Banner]
A short post this one. Really just to prove that I have been continuing to
work on this project and even ...
New Product: 32mm Adapters
This is a new direct only item from Secret...
If you want to know a secret What are you waiting for? If you want to ask
me somethingI can tell you so much more If you want to cause me
trouble It's not ...
El Chupacabra - "Planes"
This fine fellow is El Chupacabra from the "Planes" movie, built with the
Zvezda snap-fit kit.
The kit comes with simple solid color plastic compone...
IG Wyvern built and ready to paint
I've got my Wyvern put together and I've got to say, it's a very nice
little kits. I love the look of it and it was a pleasure to put together.
My only ...
Taurox Update
Well, just a quick update today. I am swamped with casting for Mad Robot
so all I can do right now is share what I recently received in the mail...
Petite idée de conversion pour faire des troupes aéroportée en mélangent du
bitz venant de plusieurs fabriquant diverse
Idea of co...
Painting station moved
So been a couple of weeks since my last post. Was on vacation last week and
flew out to Santa Cruz, CA. Also spent a couple of days in San Francisco
and ...
Imperial Guard Aegis Defence Line
So I've decided to build an Aegis Defence Line for my Imperial Guard a week
back. I also wanted it to be a sort of display for my army and I want to
make i...
Eldar Codex 2013 Update
This is perhaps the best looking codex yet.. I am totally smitten by its
quality and the contents...
Suddenly I have the urge to paint again.... the S...
New Tau Codex 2013
Just picked up the latest codex over the weekends. Since I have already
painted all my Tau models since the last edition, I may just need to get
more coo...
The XIV Legion
Its been ages, just had a fantastically busy time of it recently. Just
checked my last blog post and it was like 2 years ago! Thats gone quick, I
havent be...
Terrain for sale
I have the following for sale. All the buildings are mounted on solid MDF
board, most have a base coat applied and ground is textured. I estimate the
Stepping away from blogging for a while
I know, this isn't exactly 40k related, but I wanted to break from the
normal stuff and talk about something that has been following me in the
shadows for...
Dark Vengence Deathwing Terminators
I painted the five Deathwing battle damaged and worn.
I like the part in Angels of Darkness when they are hot on the trail and do
not remove armor or relax ...
...I'm Back...
I'm back. Let's leave it at that. 6th Edition is now out and a new
starter set has been released. It made me want to get back in the saddle
and try so...
Model sale off on eBay
Dear readers, it’s been a while from my last post. The reason is that not
only I had switch to another, more demanding job back on 2008, but the
NY3K game report
For those of you who aren't following the NY3K blog (and should feel
ashamed), here's a link to the first game report.
*Pour ceux qui ne suivent pas le blog...
Sniper vet
A small side project, one Yukoni sniper veteran. I built him initially as a
one-off for a competition, but I think he just became the prototype for
what my...
Astro Mag Issue 8!
Hey guys, Astro Mag Issue 8 is out! Go download it, won't you?
Also, apologies for the lack of activity. I have a lot of Dark Eldar
sitting next to my de...
Transmission Interrupted
Image stolen from animeshaft.com
Hi everyone, this is just a quick post to explain myself. The lack of posts
lately hasn't been intentional, but I've bee...
Terrain: St. Kevin's Church
I have always enjoyed building terrain to battle over. In fact it was the
terrain section of the 3rd edition Catachan Codex that first drew me into
the hob...
I've been home recovering from a brief hospital stay and I was able to get
some work done on my Wolves. I actually finished assembling my Long Fangs
Here's Marbo that was finished a bit ago. I was away from the tubes for a
little while. I might go back and paint more green on his cowl. When he was
For Sale: Dwarf Army
Hello guys! I'm afraid the blog has been rather dead of late, but I am
still out there. I'm currently in the middle of a long stretch of straight
working d...
Wraithlord... finished!
Well, at last some progress. While painting my Wave Serpents, I made a
break and started painting something else, and the Wraithlord happened to
be layin...
Blood Pact looted Hydra
Well hi! It's been a while. I managed to finish my Hydra and get it painted
up. It turned out better than I thought, though the barbed wire was a real
Sgt Tellion and Scouts
Well, here they are, my competed scout troops led by Sgt. Tellion himself.
I must say the sculpting by the so-called trainee in GW is really good!...
très impressionnant! :)
RépondreSupprimerVery nice kitbash, well done.